Anasazi Disappearance

When Did The Anasazi Disappear

The Anasazi civilization belonged to the Native American descent that thrived in the U.S. Southwest between 750 and 1150 C.E. During their existence, they learned how to master pottery, astronomy and architecture. Many of the tribes learned how to develop complicated irrigation systems which fed huge fields of beans, maize and squash.

The Anasazi also built intricate cities of earth and stone that perched high above the ground inside the faces of the cliff. Other structures were sprawled on desert-floor areas and were carefully arranged according to the formation of the heavens.

The Collapse

Suddenly, the advanced society of the Anasazi began to collapse toward the end of the 12th century. At the height of its “golden age” era, the people “ran away” from their ancestral habitations in a single sweeping and inexplicable exodus.

One notable detail of the movement is the notion that the Anasazi left behind their possessions which include their pottery and tools. Some of them even went as far as burning their homes including their ceremonial buildings.

This abrupt migration of the Anasazi brought many researchers to decades of understanding and finding the reasons that would explain the phenomenon. Several theories have since been formulated as scientists try to fill the unsolved gap that has haunted the world of anthropology until the present.

Cataclysmic Event

A cataclysmic event was believed to have occurred toward the end of the 13th century which may have forced the Anasazi to leave their cliff houses and their homeland in order to move east and south toward the Little Colorado River and the Rio Grande. Archaeologists have seen the event as the greatest puzzle of ancient culture that needs to be solved. The Pueblo Indians of today have their own version of oral history that focuses on their people’s migration. However, the details surrounding the stories have remained as big secrets.

Terrible Drought

Experts also focused on environmental explanations and decided to use the data from tree rings to find answers. They learned that from 1276 to 1299, a terrible drought had hit the Southwest. Perhaps, certain areas have virtually no rain for 23 years. Moreover, the Anasazi may have almost deforested the region brought by chopping down the trees for firewood and for use as roof beams.

However, it was also learned that the Anasazi, throughout the centuries, have been able to weather comparable crises. One example is the drought that happened between 1130 and 1180 which was longer and more severe. During this period, the Anasazi did not run for the cliffs nor abandon their homeland.

Long-lasting Violence

Apart from climate issues, the Anasazi had to endure long-lasting violence which tore apart their culture. Small archaeological evidence of true warfare was recorded in the 11th and early part of the 12th century. Researchers have noted about the executions that occurred in the period. Goon squads have existed. There were executions and acts of cannibalism that were committed by the governing structure. As a result, a check here society-wide paranoia was created. The Anasazi people lived in constant fear.

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